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AI in Everyday Life and Unusual People Daitaku has been a pioneer in data democratization since 2013, We have seen these truths apply to all industries around the world.

Pioneering the next generation of AI
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    AI can bring positive value It has tremendous potential.

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    Integrating data and AI into an organization’s DNA It is an essential part for survival.

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    In the process of realizing an AI introduction plan or attempt, Businesses struggle with complexity.

  • 98%

    98% of AI leaders AI is the key to the future of business I think it's important.

  • 87%

    87% of data science The project is actually introduced it won't last are judging.

  • 1 out of 3

    1 in 3 business sites Only limited technology is used To become a top player in the AI ​​challenge evaluated as a candidate.

  • 33%

    33% of U.S. CEOs trust in employees The biggest AI adoption Think of it as a barrier.

Dataiku, a platform for introducing AI into everyday life
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active user


Dataiku is a data science and machine learning platform leader in the Magic Quadrant™ for the second consecutive year.


customer company


The Forrester Wave™ ranks Dataiku a leader in the following areas: Diverse Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning, Q3 2020

  • 4.8/5

    214 reviews as of September 1, 2021

    Gartner Peer Reviews gave Dataiku the following rating for data science and machine learning platforms

  • Total Economic Impact™ of Dataiku

    Gartner Peer Reviews gave Dataiku the following rating for data science and machine learning platforms

    • icon 423%


    • icon 75%

      Data scientistSave time

    • icon 90%

      manual, repeatReduced reporting

    • icon 6 months later


Unusual everyday AI

With Dataiku, businesses around the world can systematize their use of data, bringing AI to every sphere and making analytics easier.

  • 01Data preparation (preprocessing)

    • Cleansing and transforming data (using All, No, or Low Code depending on user preference) through a visually interactive environment.

    • Utilize a variety of built-in processors for all levels of data processing, from simple data processing to advanced data processing.

  • 02Visualization

    • Get instant visual information through built-in charts and dashboards, or customize interactive Python, R, and SQL notebooks.

    • You can explore data based on quick visual analysis of columns, including distribution of values, automatically detected outliers, invalid or missing values, and overall summary statistics.

  • 03Governance & MLOps

    • Cleansing and transforming data (using All, No, or Low Code depending on user preference) through a visually interactive environment.

    • Utilize a variety of built-in processors for all levels of data processing, from simple data processing to advanced data processing.

  • 04Machine Learning

    • Cleansing and transforming data (using All, No, or Low Code depending on user preference) through a visually interactive environment.

    • Utilize a variety of built-in processors for all levels of data processing, from simple data processing to advanced data processing.

  • DataOps

    • Cleansing and transforming data (using All, No, or Low Code depending on user preference) through a visually interactive environment.

    • Utilize a variety of built-in processors for all levels of data processing, from simple data processing to advanced data processing.

  • 05Application

    • Cleansing and transforming data (using All, No, or Low Code depending on user preference) through a visually interactive environment.

    • Utilize a variety of built-in processors for all levels of data processing, from simple data processing to advanced data processing.

Prepare for special abilities

With Dataiku, you can empower your employees to make day-to-day decisions on data by leveraging both low or no-code approaches, technical, work, and business.

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